Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando & Osceola County believes that Black Lives Matter. We are drawn to social justice, diversity, and inclusion because we see that change is possible through the positive actions of building together. This is how we, at Habitat, build common ground.
We believe closing our community’s racial homeownership gap is a critical component of building a community where everyone can thrive. We have a lot of work to do to see that vision come to life.
Sadness, grief, and anger are all appropriate emotions. But resolve must be our motivator. Resolve to continue our fight for justice. Resolve to uproot historic, systemic, and institutional racism. Resolve to further equity for all.
Habitat is more than a housing nonprofit. It’s a vision of a world where we share one humanity. Habitat for Humanity was born on a farm in South Georgia on the theory of radical inclusivity, at a time when inclusivity was seen by some as an existential threat. It’s a vision of a world we still believe in and fight to build every day.
We must speak out against injustice, listen to those who have been unheard, and demand better of ourselves and of our leaders. We stand ready to do this critical work today and always.
In solidarity,
Catherine Steck McManus, Habitat Orlando & Osceola president and CEO.
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