Get Involved
We need your help to make affordable housing a reality in our community.
Here’s how you can help:

Ways to Support Us
Your donation builds more than just a home. It establishes the foundation local families need to improve their circumstances. You can invest in local families by making a monthly or one-time gift, becoming a corporate sponsor, joining making a bequest, QCD or stock gift, hosting a tool drive, partnering with a gift in kind, donating a vehicle, shopping through, and more.
Help build a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Join us on our build sites. With each hammered nail or coat of paint, a local family is closer to purchasing an affordable home.

We can’t meet our community’s overwhelming need for affordable housing through building alone. We also need to address the underlying policies and systems that hinder access to housing. Solving the nation’s home affordability challenge will take all of us working together.
While scheduled Habitat Orlando & Osceola builds happen regularly, we also host annual special events. Make lasting memories with new friends and old – and make a difference through building affordable housing.