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How to prepare your home for hurricane season
As we enter further into hurricane season, it’s crucial to ensure our homes and families are prepared for potential storms and their aftermath.
Date set for next Homes Fore All golf tournament: May 2, 2025
Join us for our charity golf tournament to help families in our community purchase safe and affordable homes! Sponsorships and foursomes are available.
Tired of rising home insurance costs? We may be able to help.
Learn how to reduce your home insurance costs, uncover home maintenance issues, and get through critical home preservation obstacles. Qualified applicants can receive a free voucher for a wind mitigation inspection ($150 value). Learn more today!
Tips to make sure your roof is ready for storm season
Given the busy storm season anticipated this year, compounded with increasing costs and demands from home insurance providers, keeping your roof in good shape is essential.
Happy birthday to U: Habitat U celebrates 1st anniversary as a public service
It’s officially been a year since we held our first Habitat U educational class open to the community.
Regional leaders take a systems thinking approach to analyze housing crisis solutions
Since last August, we’ve asked residents of Central Florida to raise their hands to help tackle the housing crisis and join our collective impact work.
Here are the first steps to take as a new homeowner
June is National Homeownership Month. And in honor of that, we’re offering new homeowners advice on the first steps to take after they close on their new homes:
We’re proud to have built, rehabbed or repaired over 900 homes since 1986
Since May 20, 1986, we’ve built, repaired or rehabbed more than 900 homes, and we’re not slowing down anytime soon!
Hurricane season starts June 1: Here’s how you can prepare today
Hurricane season is nearly here! But there is plenty you can do to prepare both your family and home before June 1.